Digital Government
Projects Management Center
All news
Seminar-Training Organized for Students
26 march 2025
Respect for Women at the Digital Government Center
07 march 2025
Sport – a source of health and grace!
07 march 2025
"QUIZ TIME" Intellectual game held at the Digital Government Center!
03 march 2025
Chess and Checkers Tournament Held at the Center
28 february 2025
Electronic Government Services – New Opportunities and Convenience!
24 february 2025
Book fair held at the Digital Government Center
14 february 2025
A Seminar-Training on "Digital Transformation and Project Management" was held at the Digital Government Center
13 february 2025
Students' skills in using Digital Government Services are being improved
12 february 2025
Healthy Lifestyle and Sports: Table Tennis Tournament Held at the Center
06 january 2025

About the center

Our activity

We create effective and transparent mechanisms for the development and implementation of projects in the field of information and communication technologies within the framework of the "Digital government" system, as well as provide a high-quality examination of projects, design and technical documentation in this area.


We are implementing the main directions of reforms in the field of the digital economy and improving the "Digital government" system as part of the development of the "Digital government" system and the "Digital Uzbekistan-2030" program, in particular:

  • ensuring a unified technological approach to the development of digital government;
  • development of priority areas for digital development in government agencies and organizations;
  • introduction in government bodies and organizations of a unified interdepartmental electronic system of performing discipline;
  • coordination of the stages of implementation of projects and programs in the field of digital government.
priority state projects are coordinated by the center
public services provided through the portal of interactive public services
public services are implemented on the interactive public services portal
place in the rating of digital government development


Digital information exchange

Work with us

Then came the moment when we need more specialists for the most challenging projects!

Didn't find a vacancy?

Leave your resume and we will contact you!

Our achievements

Of the 35 million population living in Uzbekistan, more than 64% use the Internet.

On October 5, 2020, the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved the “Digital Uzbekistan 2030” strategy and measures for its effective implementation. Digital technologies are being actively introduced in all state institutions of all sectors of the economy. More than 100 information systems are connected to the Digital Government system. Systems developed by Digital Government project management center, such as Billing System, Interdepartmental Information Platform, One ID and others, play a huge role in the digitalization of all spheres of Uzbekistan.

Our team monitors the latest global trends in the field of information technology and immediately implements them in the e-Government system.

Mission, vision and goals

We rely on important values, strengths, and work to succeed in achieving the set goals.

The Mission

Mission of the Center is to develop a competent strategy for the long term. Our core values are dedication, unity, innovation, precision, and development.

Vision of the Center

Not to stop at achived level and constantly work on self-improvement. The results of carried out successful work inspire us to new ideas and methods of their implementation.

Center Strategy

Digital technologies are the future of humanity. They contribute to the development of all spheres of human and state life. Digitalization of data will increase the country's development indicators.

Our goal

We strive to make the life of the country's population as easy as possible by providing services in electronic form, which will allow users to save time, money, and resources.

Our projects

Портал открытых данных Республики Узбекистан
Open Data Portal of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Портал открытых данных Республики Узбекистан

Data sets

4 105




70 874

Единый регистр справочников и классификаторов
Unified register of directories and classifiers
Единый регистр справочников и классификаторов

Reference books and classifiers


Responsible agencies


Единая система идентификации One ID
Single identification system
Единая система идентификации One ID

Users in the system

11 948 192

Registrations (today)


Единый реестр информационных систем и ресурсов
Unified register of information systems and resources
Единый реестр информационных систем и ресурсов

Information systems


Information resources


Government agencies


Единый портал интерактивных государственных услуг
Национальный правовой информационный центр